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your home & kids organizer in oslo

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Today I'm going to show you how my Home & Kids Organizer services will help you experience motherhood more peacefully, while we implement strategies to make your life simpler as a mother and woman.

We will organize your home in a functional way for your routines, so that you have quality time for yourself and to enjoy with those you love most.

as home & kids Organizer,

I will help you be the best version of yourself as a mother, while making your life lighter.


  • Organization of toys and clothes;
  • Organization of children's rooms and other spaces where they play or spend time;
  • Preparation for starting daycare or school;
  • Planning spaces for playing, studying, reading, being creative, among others - according to age;
  • Simplification of family routines and management;
  • Organization of the kitchen and pantry, closets, among others according to needs;
  • Strategies to simplify your family management: meals, scheduling, shopping,
  • Family activity strategies and division of tasks with children, following the Montessori methodology
  • Child safety inspection of the entire house;
  • Periodic maintenance sessions, where I will help you keep your home organized, according to your needs.

How we will work together:

Toy organization

I will start by analyzing the areas where the child plays, the existing toys and the organizational solutions that we can implement, according to the children's age. I will use the Montessori methodology, with the implementation of strategies that will give autonomy to organize and tidy; as well as accessing all toys safely and independently. Toys that are no longer in use can be discarded at this stage, and I can help with donating them.

Clothing organization

Another important point is the organization of clothes, taking into account the family's routines, whether there are siblings, whether they share space, etc.

We will organize it in a functional and easy-to-maintain way, according to your routines.

We will also categorize and organize clothes for the next few months, if any, put labels with names if it makes sense (starting daycare), and all the necessary organization according to the child's age. This will all depend on your specific needs.

Kitchen and pantry organization

We will organize the kitchen in a way that is safe for children, but also offers them autonomy and confidence to help with tasks that are appropriate for their age (setting the table, helping to clear the table, etc.).

Let's take the opportunity to organize the entire kitchen and pantry to make your life easier, and have greater visibility and accessibility to everything in stock. This will help with management and shopping, meal planning, and give you more calm and tranquility when cooking.

Simplify routines and maintenance sessions

Let's look at your routines and see how we can simplify them, considering your family reality: planning menus, how you organize your shopping trip, among others.

If you are interested, we will also schedule periodic maintenance sessions, in which we will adapt the space according to the children's natural evolution, to always help keep the house as prone to their development as possible.

I know how you feel.

You have the family you always dreamed of!

But it has been challenging to keep the house clean and tidy and handle all the tasks you have to do as a mother and professional, with so many commitments and responsibilities on several fronts.

And you feel like you want to do your best as a mother and always be patient to play and connect with your children, but the house being in chaos really affects you.

happy kids run play in sunset nature

but the thing is...

you're tired and you need more energy and time!

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You recently returned to work and are still trying to find the best way to balance being a mother, wife and performing well as a professional;

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When you get home after 8 hours of work you really want to sit down and play and spend quality time with your child, but you have dinner to make, clothes to wash, hang and iron, the house to tidy and clean, and it seems like there are always a thousand things to do;

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When it comes time to put your children to sleep, you either fall asleep with them and wake up in the middle of the night in their bed, or you end up watching TV because you are tired and also need some leisure time for yourself;

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Or even you're about to finish your license, and you feel like you're going to leave the house in chaos. You're anxious about the end of your maternity leave, and you'd just like to have more peace of mind to feel like you're in control of everything when you return to work;

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You feel like there are so many clothes and toys accumulated that half of it is actually no longer necessary, but you still haven't had the time or availability to organize everything strategically;

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You're tired of always being needed and you really need some time for yourself: you're needed at work, when you get home and even though you love everyone around you, you'd just like to have a few moments in peace without anyone bothering you.

I know that the most important thing in your life are your children.

And that's why I want to help you with your home, so that you can be less exhausted and more peaceful, to be the calm, positive and conscious mother you want to be.

Happy family: mother, father, children son and daughter on sunset

you are an incredible mother

taking care of yourself is essential! because we tend to forget ourselves, but our children won't be well if we aren't too.

The biggest responsibility you have as a mother is to ensure that you are well, calm, peaceful and in good mental health to transmit peace and security to your children. Taking care of yourself is not selfish, and we women know how a disorganized home affects our mental health. A disorganized home increases our exhaustion and overwhelm.

Children's Clothes. Cap, and Boots Flatlay

And I will help you make your mornings and ends of the day more peaceful

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We will talk openly about everything that has been bothering you and that you feel needs to be organized; while we talk about your routines to identify the steps that can be simplified to make your days lighter.

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We will especially talk about morning and late afternoon routines - generally the most challenging - and come up with strategies and mechanisms to get your child to collaborate with you, instead of fighting every morning, which creates delays, stress and frustration first thing in the morning.

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We will organize your child's toys and things strategically and following the Montessori methodology, to reduce visual noise and increase their focus and concentration while playing. We will also identify if there are toys that are no longer needed and can be donated or sold.

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We will organize your children's clothes (current ones and those for the next few months) to make changing clothes easier and avoid unnecessary purchases as they grow. This will also make it easier for you to do your laundry and prepare everything in the morning.

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We will cover techniques on how to get your child to collaborate and help with tidying up and organizing toys, regardless of their age, also making them responsible for their things. Not only will this help you, but it will increase your self-esteem and confidence.

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We will organize other spaces in your home, such as the kitchen, your bedroom, the living room - all the spaces that you feel will help with. And we're going to talk about strategies on how to include your child, so that they feel useful and excited about being part of it.

Happy parents, happy children! I'm going to bring you the organization you need to enjoy this incredible phase with lightness and tranquility.

Can you imagine...

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Start the day with everything organized and prepared, without stress and calmly, with your child cooperating instead of arm-twisting. Your kid going to daycare without crying and you getting to work on time without experiencing stress spikes in the morning.

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Being calm during the day because you know that when you get home you already have meals chosen and everything organized so you can cook easily and without wasting too much time; and deciding every day what you're going to make for dinner.

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Going to pick up your children and calmly going home, while they play and interact in a light way, while they talk about how the day went, without having to spend every day at the supermarket because you're missing this or that - in the midst of tantrums and tiredness.

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The end of the day will be calmer when you even have time to go to the park. And after they get home, bath time is now a fun moment and everything happens calmly and peacefully. And having such light routines, in which your children collaborate and feel like they belong - without shouting or stress.

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Have strategic laundry routines, so that it gives you as little work as possible. And having your closet and your children's closet so organized (and beautiful!), that you waste half or even less of the time keeping everything tidy and organized!

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Living this new phase of yours and being reborn as a woman, in the version that you are most proud of because you have become a calm and peaceful mother, who takes care of herself not only physically but mentally, to be well and balanced.

I know that being this type of mother is not always easy, but I’m here to help.

About me, your kids Organizer

My name is Rita, I'm 32 years old and I will be your Kids Organizer. As a mother of two young boys very close in age (2.5 and 4 years old), I understand the daily challenges you face and I know how good organization can simplify our lives and give us more time to spend quality time with our children. our children.

Childhood shapes our lives and, as parents, we have a responsibility to instill healthy habits and be the best example for our children. And this involves taking care of ourselves, our space, and giving them space to be autonomous and be part of the tasks and the entire family reality.

Combining Montessori with Residential Organization, I want to help you make motherhood easier, so that you feel more peace and more harmony in your home.

There are several packages available.

There are different packages depending on the size of the areas to be organized and your needs, I will recommend the duration necessary to complete the organization satisfactorily.

Frequently asked questions

To what ages do you offer this service?

The Home & Kids Organizer service can be offered to families with children of any age. Being a 100% personalized service to your routines and reality, we will always adapt the entire house according to your family's routines. If you don't have children but want to hire me as your organizer, that's also possible.

How does the process work?

You can contact me via Whatsapp here, or fill out the information request form here. After receiving your order, I will contact you to discuss. The next step will be to carry out a technical visit in which I will see your space in person to confirm the estimated duration of the project. If you live in a more distant location, we can carry out this technical visit online.

What is the cost of the kids organizer service?

There are several packages available, depending on the level of support you need, the size of the space, among others. Get in touch with me to find out more about the cost associated with this service and find out about the available packages.

In which locations do you hold face-to-face sessions?

I offer face-to-face services in Oslo, but I can travel to other locations if you are interested. In this case, we will talk and evaluate the possibilities, but travel costs may be added. If you live in another country, I can help you online through online consultancy and projects.

Do you do sessions in Portugal or just in Norway?

If you live in Portugal, we can schedule your session on one of my trips (booking in advance). I may also recommend a colleague I trust, depending on your location.

How can we hire you? How does the payment work?

You can contact me to evaluate which package will be best for you. Payment is made up to two times, depending on the package chosen.

Hello! My name is Rita.

And if I can describe everything you're going through so well, it's because I've been in your shoes.

My passion for organizing began at the end of 2019, when I was pregnant with my first child and started preparing our home for the arrival of our much-desired baby. We lived in Portugal, in Cascais, in a small apartment with one bedroom, little space and much more stuff than we needed.

And it was then that I started researching ways to organize and was introduced to the concept of residential organization. I immediately fell in love, I started following professional organizers on Instagram and applying all the concepts and teachings that made sense in our reality. It was also at this time that I discovered Marie Kondo and KonMari, which has always fascinated me and I saw as a great inspiration.

In 2022, with a full-time job in Norway, I decide to take a risk and start formal training in the Organization area. And it was after participating in workshops and training in the area of ​​organization that I realized that I had truly found my passion: organizing homes, and helping other people organize their space to lead lighter and more peaceful lives.

Being alone in Norway with my husband and having no support or family support with two small children, organization has an even greater burden to achieve everywhere: managing two organization businesses and being a mother to two very annoying little ones.

My Cheerful Place is my third baby, a project that I am passionate about and that allows me to bring lightness and serenity to all the parents who come to me. To help them take a deep breath, talk about all their fears and anxieties without judgement, and help prepare them and their home for the best and most challenging phase of their life: welcoming a baby.

In addition to My Cheerful Place, I am also the founder of the Organizer Academy, where I teach other professional organizers how to structure their business and provide specializations on residential organization.

My Cheerful Place


Oslo, Norway


+47 413 777 21
